Tomato Market: The tomato market is mixed. Florida is gapping slightly as they are feeling the results of the bloom drop caused by frigid temperatures in late February. Mexico production is increasing after the short labor of the holiday weekend, and the market is strong south of the border. Grape tomato supply is dipping as […]
Tomato Market Report, April 1, 2015
Tomato Market: The tomato market is ratcheting up this week. Mexico production is very light and Florida growers are finally realizing the effects of the recent bloom drop. Prices have risen slightly and we anticipate them to remain high until at least next Wednesday or Thursday after production restarts. Organics: Supply is beginning to increase […]
Tomato Market Report March 25, 2015
Florida: Growers are actually in fairly decent supply, production on rounds is average for this time of year, romas and grapes are slightly short, but still available. Mexico: Growers seem to have recovered from the rain and hail that swept through many regions about ten to twelve days ago. Quality across the board is generally […]
**Special Update** March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015 Tomato Market: Heavy rain and hail caused major setbacks in the growing regions of Mexico over the weekend. Market has not settled yet and shippers are not committing to quantities or prices until the damage reports come in tonight and tomorrow. Continued rainy weather expected this week will further impede production […]
Tomato Market Report, February 26
Tomato Market: Lighter supply and a freeze in Florida last week has the tomato market heating up. While the short-term damage is fairly minimal, the temperature drop undoubtedly caused a bloom-drop that will tighten the supply from Florida in the weeks ahead. Growers in Mexico transitioned to new fields and supply consequently dipped. Supply seems […]