Tomato Market Report February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015
Tomato Market:
Tomato supply remains strong. A few isolated rain storms in Mexico set some grape tomato growers behind, but they should rebound as the area dries out. Demand spiked a bit for Superbowl ads, but now looks a bit lackluster for the next few weeks.
Mature greens are readily available. Production has leveled out of Florida and the market remains slightly stronger than a few weeks ago. Mexican growers are in good supply for the foreseeable future.
Vine-ripes are in ample supply. Quality varies a bit, depending on whether produce is grown in open-fields or under protection such as shadehouses and greenhouses.
Romas remain in good supply. Quality is unreliable as we are in a transitional period for some large growers from Mexico.
Grapes and Cherries:
Grape demand caught up with supply last week and the market gained marginal strength. Cherries are moving right along but they continue to be less of a player in the market as additional varieties have been gaining popularity.
Greenhouse Tomatoes:
Greenhouse production of beefsteak and cluster tomatoes has gained momentum, and product is widely available. The ‘greenhouse’ distinction is becoming less meaningful as many vine-ripes and mature greens are also grown in greenhouses.
Organic supply is actually good for the moment; the market on clusters remains slightly elevated.
Heirlooms are coming into strong supply. Quality has been excellent and we can offer promotions on these very soon. Mini varieties are also available and the mixed packs are looking sharp.