Tomato Market Report June 17, 2015


The tomato market settled a bit this week as production rolls along for several growing areas.

Northern California is picking up production and fruit is looking fair to good, not the ‘machine-made’  look that we’ve gotten used to from Mexican greenhouses, but for field-grown, under-the-sun variety they are just fine.

Florida production came down a bit as the Quincy deal is in better shape this week and the Carolinas are starting.

Baja growers are ramping up on volume. Good looking vine-ripes and romas are crossing the border from mostly shade-house growers.

Eastern Mexico greenhouses should increase in the next week, a few crossings and the quality looks very good so far.

Canadian greenhouse production increased.

Overall supply is meeting demand.

Heirlooms are starting from California; market remained elevated this week, but should begin to come down.