November 6th, 2014
Tomato Market:
The tomato market dipped slightly in the last week, but as we head towards the weekend, the market continues to gain strength. The Culiacan and Obregon regions of Mexico received a few inches of rain that will delay the first harvests of most field and shade-house grown varieties by another week or so. Florida production continues to increase, but it’s not running full-steam quite yet.
California is done for all practical purposes. Florida growers are gaining momentum, but not flush with fruit so far.
Vine-ripe tomatoes have been slowly increasing in supply, and the market is tapering off. The rain caused a slight gap in supply this week, availability was impacted slightly.
Romas remain light in supply and high in demand. The Mexican national market has also been very active this week and crossings have been shorter than expected.
Grapes and Cherries:
Supply is increasing and new crop product seems to be the first crossing into Nogales for the season. Florida product is also available and reportedly of good quality.
Greenhouse Tomatoes:
Greenhouse tomatoes from Canada are winding down. Mexico is ramping up supply and prices are getting a bit aggressive.
Organic round tomatoes are next to impossible to find for the moment, but supply should pick up in two to three weeks. Roma availability is a little better, but market remains elevated. TOV supply is increasing and market is slowly falling.
Heirlooms have become hit-or-miss, with limited supply, elevated price and mixed quality.